Colleen’s Ekphrastic #PhotoPrompt

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA:  Trent McDonald, photographer

I embody desires
My power can never be calmed
I breathe moments
That flow through timeless terrain
To add glory to wilderness.


I race like thoughts
Yet I could calm a myriad mind
I heal without words
Hopes crumble into me 
To create a balm for souls.


Thanks to Colleen and Trent for the inspiration.

Do you like nature poetry? Hear the whispers…

Check my latest book: Magical Whispers

51 thoughts on “Colleen’s Ekphrastic #PhotoPrompt

  1. Balroop, I have no clue how you form words into such powerful and intricate verse. You know I love your work, but I’m in utter awe of this one. I’m enchanted!

  2. Such a clever poem, Balroop–“My power can never be calmed” “Yet I could calm a myriad mind”. A metaphor for so much in life, not just water. Thank you for this.

  3. Beautiful, Balroop 🙂 I loved, My power can never be calmed. That’s my hope.

  4. This is a nature poem brilliantly done, Balroop. I love the lines ‘I breathe moments’ and ‘I heal without words’. Both phrases remind me of slowing down and silence can help us center ourselves. Your poem reminds me of walking through nature, away from the hustle and bustle of city life and just enjoying the small moments as they are right in front of us. Do I like nature poetry? I like your nature poetry. Keep up the writing 🙂 Wonderful image by Trent.

  5. I like the contrast you show in this poem – those we find in Nature, and in US: a power that can’t be calmed; racing thoughts but a calm mind; hope crumbles yet creates a balm. Fascinating paradoxes.

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