Book Review: Timeless Echoes by Balroop Singh

Maniparna’s reviews are a delight to read! Her eclectic prose and poetry would allure you! I am elated at her beautiful words that describe my poetry!

Her choice of words and excerpts, the quote that she has used to describe my book has taken me over to the moon! I am glad she has savoured the poems slowly…they can be read again and again and I too derive solace from some of them whenever I read them. “Some hues of life change from time to time, but eventually, their changing shades are etched in our hearts. Balroop has given words to those shades, those emotions of life.”…love that description Mani!
Many thanks!

Scattered Thoughts


“Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested”– this quote of Francis Bacon immediately came to my mind after I finished reading Balroop Singh’s latest collection of poems, “Timeless Echoes”.

I was quite busy for a couple of months and during those days, whenever I managed some “me time”, I used to read a few poems from the book. I could have read the book all in a go; the poems are neither big nor complicated, but I wanted to savour their myriad flavours, wished them to linger in my mind. That’s the way Balroop composed her poems, as Bacon had said, her book is meant to be chewed and digested. [Balroop’s poems are a pleasure to read, I already know that as I follow her blog regularly and, have reviewed her previous book Emerging From Shadows.]


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31 thoughts on “Book Review: Timeless Echoes by Balroop Singh

  1. Beautiful review, Balroop. You must be thrilled! I like reading poetry the same way as Maniparna does – sneaking them in when days are busy. They’re little treats. Congrats on the review. 🙂

    1. Yes, the thrill of first few reviews is palpable Diana and what I love is the language used by the reviewer that defines the work so well! I am delighted to hear that ‘little treats’ are loved! 🙂 Thanks!

  2. I’m happy to read positive review of poetry. I follow Maniparna’s blog too and love her pictures and short poems. Appreciation from a fellow poet is inspiring. congrats once again.

    1. I agree with you arv, Mani writes beautiful poetry and her prose too is delectable. A review from a writer of Mani’s Calibre is a blessing. I am falling short of words to thank her. 🙂 I appreciate your joining in. Many thanks for coming in to share your view.

      1. I’m glad you enjoy reading my blog, certainly a great incentive to write. Likewise, I also enjoy reading your blog as well as pictures. 😃

    1. Thank you Lisa, I am glad you too can feel the words of Mani, I appreciate her kindness. I hope you keep craving for bites of “me time” 🙂

  3. Balroop, congratulation ms! Manipana’s imaginative and beautiful review must have warmed you heart.
    A well deserved one at that. May the smile linger long.


  4. Wonderful review, Balroop, that I’m sure has you dancing in the streets! 🙂 I’m so happy for you and share in your excitement. I also love to read poetry one or a few at a time, usually in the evening when the day is coming to an end and all tasks are completed so relaxation can seep into my mind and body. It’s then that I can truly embrace the poetic world. Congratulations and big hugs!

    1. You have so beautifully articulated my sentiments…no wonder we like each other’s poetry Lauren. Thank you so much for the love and support you have extended, I appreciate it. Big hugs back to you.

    1. You are otherwise also a fast reader Jacqui but some poems can be read again and again and that is the beauty of this genre, every reading reveals some new nuance. 🙂 Nice to have you back, hope you had a wonderful break and bonding.

    1. Thank you for your lovely wishes Vashti 🙂 Reviews are good not only for the readers but writers too as good reviews inspire and reassure that we are capable of touching somebody’s heart. 🙂

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