Muted by Time

Sue Vincent’s #Writephoto

Let’s talk about those days
When we didn’t wear cloaks
When we were free
When our faces glowed

Let’s refresh those memories
Of sprightly laughter
That echoed in our citadel
Of shimmering light thereafter

Let’s talk about the whispers
That breathed life into us
The majestic trees that swayed
To celebrate our glory

Now we stand muted by time
Reduced to sentinels
Within these narrow ramparts
Frozen with one expression.

Clouds gather to commemorate
The legacy of eternal love.
© Balroop Singh

Thanks to Sue Vincent for an inspiring Thursday #photoprompt Keep.

You can click here for more poetry.

Check my latest book release: Moments We Love

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38 thoughts on “Muted by Time

  1. A well-penned poem that compares the days of childhood and adulthood. I guess the events and experiences shape us and which explains the difference in outlook, behavior, and thinking between these two stages of life.

      1. True. Well, we have been fed to this idea ever since we were kids to plan your life. There is some sort of expectation as to what one should achieve till certain age. Unfortunately, we have no clue what life has planned for us. That’s life!

      2. I think it’s good that we are provided the guidelines and even motivated to follow them as most of the plans work well. Too much of freedom, with no clues to which way you want to go leads people nowhere 😊

  2. A lament indeed to what we have lost and replaced with Things we think far more important.. Yet nothing compares with our love and respect of nature and each other.. Something that too has got clouded along the way..
    Beautiful poem.. and Love Sue’s photo… Very inspiring..
    Have a peaceful weekend Dear Balroop.. ❤

  3. Balroop, Your beautiful poem evokes memories of youth, innocence and unfiltered joy. Yet, I also feel the passing of time. Reading through the comments, arv’s resonates with me. And, yes we do have a choice. Sometimes that choice is acceptance. Your depth of emotion in your beautiful poetry always makes me stop and reflect on my feelings and my life.

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