#Poetry Challenge #SyllabicPoetry – Tanka

Dry grass, witchy wind
no rainy season in sight
wildfires danger scares
firefighters soldier on,
despite untold health hazards.


As the monsoon lands
grandeur of green leaf shade swells,
fun flutters in ponds
paper boats beguile children
silvery sky seems sublime.


First firefly allures,
emits a magical light 
and spreads friendly vibes
sparkling fellows join the joy
evenings become delightful.
© Balroop Singh

Thanks to Colleen for the inspiration to write syllabic poetry. 

The Kigo phrases have been highlighted.

Thank you dear readers. If you like poetry, read more: Moments We Love

Image from Pixaby.

43 thoughts on “#Poetry Challenge #SyllabicPoetry – Tanka

    1. It is not so hot as the sea breeze keeps the temperature quite moderate but no rain and wind gusts enhances the risk of wildfires. Thank you for sharing your kind thoughts Selma. 🤗

  1. Dear Balroop, thanks for the beauty you give this morning.
    From the drama of Wildfires to the glow of Firefly. Nature has it all if we but look.

    Bless 🦋

  2. A mix of summer in here, Balroop. The fire danger but also the magic and wonder that comes with warm weather. We don’t have fireflies where I live and I miss watching them. Your poems are the next best thing. Beautiful.

  3. The danger of fires must be so worrying…… we have so much rain here it is something we cant imagine, we can also only imagine the magic of fireflies….. lovely tankas


    1. Thank you for stopping by to read and share your thoughts, Suzanne. Wildfires are not just a danger, we see them every summer and this year, the fire season has already hit our state.

  4. Our western states are already experiencing wildfires again this year, while we in the east are overcome with rain. If only we could find a balance! The firefighters deserve our support and praise for sure. (K)

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