#Summer… 24 Seasons Challenge…

Image from Unsplash

Love Messages

the summer moon, 
carried by the south wind
lanterns carry my emotions
that hold 
a thousand carved messages of love,
of spirited summers,
of our blissful 


my intense pain 
behind a shallow smile
I liberate lanterns of love
the fragrant breeze of last goodbye
in midsummer darkness
that declines to


I sob 
cuckoo bird sings 
the answers cascade down
miraculously, through young leaves
promises winds of positive change 
will the fireflies dance? 
didn’t they die?
with you.
© Balroop Singh

Thanks to Colleen for the inspiration to write syllabic poetry. 

Form: Butterfly Cinquain – nine lines, titled form with the pattern – 2, 4, 6, 8, 2, 8, 6, 4, 2 

The kigo words: summer moon, south wind, young leaves, midsummer darkness, fragrant breeze, fireflies.

Thank you dear readers. If you like poetry, read more: Moments We Love 

#TankaTuesday #SyllabicPoetry

Morning chill clutches me
despite the sun’s golden glow
purple hues don’t melt.
seasons change, young leaves flutter
I still wait at the window


bleeding bit by bit
a cracked heart treasures moments
of joyous summer
that would never come again
smoky clouds echo my thoughts.


fragrant breeze billows
fallen petals prophesize
smothering summer.
a thousand poems won’t soothe
incisive ache of my heart.
© Balroop Singh

Thanks to Colleen for the inspiration to write syllabic poetry. 

The kigo words: clouds, young leaves, fragrant breeze.

Thank you dear readers. If you like poetry, read more: Moments We Love 

#SyllabicPoetry Challenge #Renga

Beauty of buds

This week, the writing challenge is to experiment with Renga form.

Renga or Renku features alternating stanzas, usually of 5-7-5 and 7-7 syllables.

The first part of the renga is a (5-7-5) haiku (hokku) written by your guest. The second part of the renga is the host’s response (wakiku): (7-7). A cooperative poem, written by 2 or more poets.

 For this challenge, the poet can write both parts of the renku or work with another poet. 

Colleen’s haiku:

An empty attic
the sound of April showers
thunderous rumblings

My reply:

windy weather scares fledglings
new shoots shiver sans sunshine

My haiku:

April full moon smiles 
silver scatters on the hill
magical aura!

© Balroop Singh

Thanks to Colleen for the inspiration to try a new form of syllabic poetry. 

The kigo words: April showers, April full moon

Thank you dear readers. If you like poetry, read more: Moments We Love 

#TankaTuesday #Poetry 24 Seasons…

Picture from my back patio

April full moon cheered
as we stepped out to revel
in the glory of
gossamer rays that lured us
sorrow shrouds the moonlight now.


Covered by dark clouds,
the moon seems joyless like me
A sacred kinship,
a unique childhood connect 
of glum understanding. 


April showers breathe
a new life into morning
the velvety wind,
the fragrance of azalea
and wisteria‘s wild waltz.


A walk in the woods
breathing damp and steamy air 
Nostalgic moments
mingle in the maelstrom of
emotional engulfer.
© Balroop Singh

Thanks to Colleen for the inspiration to write syllabic poetry.

The kigo words I used have been highlighted.

Thank you dear readers. If you like poetry, read more: Moments We Love 

#Ekphrastic #Poetry Challenge – 24 Seasons…

From Facebook: Artist – Kaoru Yamada

My Window

spring morning,
a fragrant path
flanked by rose bushes –
a poignant reminder
of delightful days we loved!  
Ensnared by emotional bars,
bigger than parameters of grief,
I watch from my window, for your presence.

The chill of your absence seeped through my bones
but breeze of yearning wafts around me
I wait for the magic of hope
dappled light and shade rips me
shadows subdue spirit
lies in shambles –
a challenge
© Balroop Singh

Thanks to Colleen for the inspiration to write syllabic poetry. I chose to write a double etheree. The kigo words I used have been highlighted.

Thank you dear readers. If you like poetry, read more: Moments We Love