My Promise Of Becoming A Better Person…

Last year when I was intrinsically inspired by the resolutions of my blogger friends, I had made just one promise and that was ‘to become a better person.’

This one thought ushered in a host of memories, which revealed to me my true self and I felt the need to record some of my struggles with the enhancement of my personality.

It was not an easy endeavor as many of those memories were fraught with fears of facing monsters lurking around me but the way I have dealt with them single-handedly, removing all the cobwebs in which I was trapped has convinced me that there is always a light shimmering at the horizon.

As the curtain was coming down on another year, I got the opportunity to introspect… how much could I come up to my expectations?

The definition of being a ‘Better Person’ could be different for all of us but I had set 6 benchmarks, which I have been working on.


I am delighted to tell you that a single resolution has helped me immensely in putting together my observations and experiences in the form of a book, which I am ready to release. Some of the chapters are the same that I have shared with you but this book is for all those readers who don’t come regularly to read my blog and even those who would like to ascend the steps of personality building, one by one.

My conviction is that self-help is the best kind of help as teachers and therapists can only show us the way. We have to move ahead with our own steps, if we stumble and stagger, we have to rise with our own efforts in whatever journey we undertake.

When I self-published my first book, I was not a blogger and was unaware of the challenges of wading into the realms of publication. Ignorance is bliss and so I didn’t even realize where I could have floundered!

Then I discovered blogging! The happiness of sharing my emotions and reflections was enough to keep me afloat! On the way I met some wonderful blogger friends who guided and supported me with their wisdom and expertise. Some even reviewed my books.

My thoughts go back to some of my oldest blogger friends Vishnu, Harleena Singh, Marie, Lisa and Somali, who stood by a newbie to offer valuable advice and reviews. Alka went a step further by uploading one of my books’ cover on her blog to help me in its promotion. Christy invited me to tea at her blog to talk about my poetry. Dear friends, I take this opportunity to express my gratitude once again and look forward to your support this time again.

I have many lovely author cum blogger friends whom I met recently and would request all of them to be a part of this endeavor.

Please spread the word. Share this post at your blogs and all the social networks please.

Give a shout out to your friends who would like to become a better person.

My book is now live at

You can click on the link to look inside or grab your copy.

Thank you for reading this. I look forward to your love and support.

If you have liked this article, please share it at your favorite social networks.

Balroop Singh.


52 thoughts on “My Promise Of Becoming A Better Person…

  1. Congratulations, Balroop! This promises to be a wonderful read. So awesome that you’ve published from some of your amazing work here at the blog. I will certainly buy, read and review! p.s. thanks for the mention, too 🙂

  2. You have come so far with both blogging and your first book. And now another book. Congratulations and a wonderful start to the year 😊 It will go straight to my to-read list 😊 Self-help is such an important topic to know, and every now and then we have to remind ourselves to give some time to ourselves. Good on you for doing that and sharing your lessons with us. So proud of you and more books to come from you 😊

    1. Thank you Mabel. True, self-help has made me what I am today…life is like that and our outlook changes when we resolve not to get stumped by its challenges! Stay blessed dear friend. Thanks for the inspiring words.

  3. A wonderful new year’s gift to us, Balroop. I’m looking forward to reading, learning, reviewing and sharing this book with others. Well done on this release.

  4. Wow.. Congratulation dear Balroop.. 🙂 What better promise could we ever make to one’s self.. 🙂 And I am sure your book will help guide many who read it onto becoming that better person..
    You know without a doubt I wish you nothing but success.. And I also wish you a successful, happy, healthy, abundant year for 2017 and way beyond my friend..
    Love and Blessings
    Sue xxx ❤

  5. Congratulations Balroop! This is awesome and your words are the best helpers on the way. Be sure that I will read you and spread the word. Keep on sharing love and inspiration. Thanks so much for everything!

  6. A big congratulations! I have always enjoyed your write-ups which are enlightening. I’m very positive that this book will surely help everyone; cut the clutter and allow one to think clearly. I’m sure this book is worth sharing. All the best!

    1. Thanks arv. I look forward to your support. This book talks about the trivial matters that may bother us but we keep brushing them aside…it would definitely inspire everyone to pay attention to those imperfections, which are inherent but can be worked on with a little effort.

      1. I can vouch for your writing and thoughts. Let me check if I can post a review for you. I’m sure this’ll help people take a better decision. 🙂

  7. “My conviction is that self-help is the best kind of help as teachers and therapists can only show us the way. We have to move ahead with our own steps, if we stumble and stagger, we have to rise with our own efforts in whatever journey we undertake.” I completely agree, Balroop.

    Here’s wishing you every success in your book endeavor. It’s no small project, and one I’ve thought of many times and discarded just as readily. Even with editor friends anxious to receive what I might send. So I do realize the work involved when I say, ‘All the Best!’ Aloha, and many blessings in 2017!

    1. Thanks Bela. You never know whose blessings and wishes work wonders! Some persons are special and when they bless, you can almost feel them in your heart.
      Yes, dear friend, publishing a book is no small task but putting them before the readers in this maze of thousands of books is the greatest challenge!

      1. Ohgosh – depends on the job and circumstances surrounding it. I was not in publishing. However – are you looking for a self pub platform? A way to reach as many potential buyers as possible? Tell me what you’d like input about and I’ll do my best to help 🙂

      2. Social media might be key as far as ‘free advertising’ goes. I wouldn’t bother with Google adwords, for example. But I ‘would’ join Facebook and ask friends to post and share … I don’t ‘do’ Twitter – it’s insulting to my intellect – but it’s a possibility. There’s Snapchat (not on, so no direct experience), Instagram (photos, yes – but also now they’ve got a comment portion to the forum). If you set your book up on Amazon’s Create Space, for example – it would automatically be listed on Amazon. Getting it seen would still be challenging. But I would have as many people write reviews about the book as possible, once it’s there. Even give free copies away in exchange for a review, for example. All ideas 😉

  8. Congrats on the birth of your new book Balroop. I’ve added it to my TBR, looking forward to getting to it. And of course I’ve shared everywhere, both from your blog and your Amazon page. 🙂 Happy New Year ahead!

  9. Many congratulations for the new launch Ma’am 🙂 Wishing you loads success and look forward to reading this and spreading word about the same 🙂

  10. Congratulations, Balroop. What a great start to the new year! Wish you all the best with your book. Most of the bloggers you’ve mentioned are well-known to me. They also helped me a lot…it’s really great to have such friends in the blogosphere… 🙂

    1. Thanks Mani…blogosphere is indeed the friendliest place as words can really weave the magic web of relationships. If you would like to review my book, I can send you a copy.

  11. Congratulations Balroop for yet another book and that too on such an important topic. Self-help is vital to one’s growth, in fact one can learn and improve only when awareness comes from within. ‘To become a better person’, now that is a goal that seems so simple and yet takes a whole life time to accomplish. We can have it as our new year resolution.
    Wish you great success. Hope… or should I say I am sure your readers will gain from your experiences as shared in your book.

    1. Thanks Alka, you are so right…becoming better seems within reach yet it spans across a whole life! Yes, awareness is the first stepping stone. Please share my pinned post at twitter with your friends.

  12. At the outset Balroop once again congratulations for another wonderful achievement, the very idea of writing a book and publishing is such a magical feeling. And seeing our own good friends creating such book of wisdom and sharing to a larger audience makes a huge difference. You have always been sharing such profound thoughts, your blog has been a destination to take those beautiful nuggets of wise thoughts and meaningful engagement with self. This new book of yours is going set that ball rolling far and wide and gathering more wonderful friends through the power your thoughts.

    The thoughts of being a “Better Person” is such powerful idea and it appears simple but it has everything to look deep within and understand ourselves that can change us and the community around us for a better world. I agree there can’t be a better help than the self help, and once we learn that art of helping ourselves we are on our course towards self actualization.

    Blogging as platform has always been a wonderful medium to keep our emotions channelized and make us sit to pause and reflect on life and relationships which we take it for granted. Lovely way to begin the new year with a BOOK and wishing a great success and yes, will put all my connections to make the book reach all the right audience…best wishes !!!

    1. Hi Nihar,
      Many Thanks dear friend for taking time out for sharing your thoughts about my book…your kind words mean a lot to me. I look forward to the support of such benevolence 🙂 I am so thankful to you for sharing this book with your connections
      This is the Indian link of ‘Allow Yourself To Be A Better Person’:
      By the way, your blog doesn’t let me leave my comment and says log in though I am logged in.

      1. Always my pleasure to read your beautiful thoughts and sharing with my friends…looking forward to more such wonderful thoughts.:D

        Regarding the comments in my blog, now it is working, pls let me know in case still you are finding it difficult to share your comments in my blog.

  13. Congrats on the new book, Balroop! What a wonderful goal for yourself and desire to share with others. I’m certain you will make a difference in many readers lives. I’ve shared across social media. I hope you have much success, good health, joy and peace in the year ahead ❤

  14. Congratulations Balroop! Today finally I sat down to catch up with my some of my favorite blog posts, and what a pleasant surprise to see you release a new book on the New Year. That’s a wonderful start to the year. 🙂 I have downloaded the book on Kindle Unlimited. Will definitely read it (though may take some time). Congratulations once again. So happy for you!

    1. Thanks Somali…friends like you inspire and make life more beautiful!
      I hope your young friends would like to have a look at the content, which focuses on human frailties we all possess. 🙂
      Many thanks for your wishes.

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