Trapped In Time.. #Waiting


Trapped in time
I stood there, crouching behind the pillar
Suppressing the urge to climb up
Resisting the little light
My only link to the outside world

If you call me a coward…you may
I wouldn’t defend myself
As I was guarding peace
I was shielding secrets
Spilling them could have doomed us

Keeping myself away was the only hope
Waiting for the hour to pass
Longing for cataclysm to cease
Hoping to see the love and light
Of the new world

Trapped in time
I froze…But…
Some issues remain unresolved
Some sores keep festering
My whispers to self still reverberate

In our palace of plaintive peace
Eerie sounds of strife shake me
Self-doubts stir me out of slumber
Challenges of the new world
Stare at us, sardonically!
© Balroop Singh
All rights reserved.

Inspired from Sue Vincent’s Waiting #writephoto photo prompt.

You can click on Sublime Shadows of Life by Balroop Singh to read more poems.

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38 thoughts on “Trapped In Time.. #Waiting

  1. Bit of a mysterious poem, Balrooop, and I can certainly feel the feeling of stife within it. How you opened it is very clever: to climb up, or to stay on the ground. I think a lot of us find ourselves in such a situation a lot – we want to reach out and take a risk for something better, but choose to stay because we don’t want to risk it all and we actually have a job or role to do where we are, a role that impacts others around us.

    Certainly we will freeze, freeze perhaps of the shock at the voices around us telling otherwise, or the voices in our head talking us down for not standing up for ourselves. But they can be just what we need to reassess how we want something badly and force us to see if we can find a way to make things work. Another beautiful write, and another one I enjoyed reading 🙂

    1. Thank you Mabel for the analysis, which revolves around self and you have rightly said that we evade risks due to various reasons. I appreciate your effort as despite its mysterious nature, you have interpreted in your own way.
      I would agree that there is an element of mystery in it as ‘trapped’ is a symbol for the helplessness of modern man, who feels alienated and yearns for peace and amity. ‘Froze’ is another symbol that comments on the plight of those who wait, who lack to courage to act. ‘Palace’ is also symbolic! Yet this poem carries the message of hope and harmony. 🙂

  2. Sad yet beautiful Balroop. I somehow detected some of what you had said to me in comment to my reblog of Tina’s post on rejection. 🙂

    1. Really? I actually had something else in mind though I started with the clock and the statue, the obvious figures but my thoughts veered towards the situation we are facing these days…a lot of people are suffering due to mindless strife, causing wide chasms between people due to irresponsible statements yet we hope everything would be fine and this world would become a better place!

    1. I didn’t have any sad thoughts in my mind as I am talking of challenges, forgetting past mistakes, hope and real peace, which is the cry of the day. I guess poetry is an open-ended genre and speaks differently to everybody. 🙂

  3. Jump, Balroop 🙂 Or should I say, fly!! I found this to be inspirational before we take any big leap in life. We feel trapped, we might be frozen but we can see the light and we can see our future waiting for us. We just have to go for it.

  4. Sometimes it is better to stay put for you can come out with more vigor. Every situation is different…we can’t call ourselves coward though unless we really mean it.

  5. Nobody is really a coward in his/her own eyes…only circumstances and situations make him look so! People judge us with their own perspective. Guarding peace calls for great grit.

  6. Indeed Balroop, deeply mysterious and highly intriguing…so much of deeper meaning encapsulated in few such words. Guarding peace and shielding secrets, speaks volumes what we all quest for, the quest for peace and the quest for exploring the secrets of life and nature. It is “TIME” that measures our life and we need to keep moving with the time, that is not always the case, when we are saddened, when we are hurt, when we are dejected…we lose control of ourselves and get intrinsically trapped in this mysterious machine of time.

    Suddenly, we all realize that the same machine has dramatically reduced its pace and things have suddenly come to a standstill, we find it tough to get align and get going…in such situations of crisis and negative consequences that stare us with bare eyes we look at the force of hope to lift us and take us to the shore…so many issues that keep cropping up in our life, some get its right answer but many remains locked in the time zone and constantly looking for solution and answers that can bring semblance of peace and happiness to us. The whispers, there is a power in that silence, yes it something we keep doing with self and in that silent dialogue we find our solace.

    This is a different interpretation and I loved the intriguing nature of poem so subtle captured but vivdly encompasses a whole new thoughts out of our deep imagination.

  7. Thank you Nihar for a beautiful interpretation of this poem and your own insights, which add so much of value to it. The beauty of a poem lies in what a reader discerns…the mystery of my thoughts are trapped in some words and you have rightly picked them up to add your own reflections! Some secrets lie locked but the key to those locks can’t be found by everyone!!
    Many thanks for your interest dear friend. You are indeed a wonderful reader.

  8. How ironic is it that we have to ‘make’ peace when initially the nature of nature was peace. There are a hundred things physical and internal that keeps us far far away from peace.

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