Why Do We Like Poetry?

Love for poetry

“Poetry is painting that speaks,”said Plutarch.

A painting that gets its hues from words.
Just a metaphor can evoke emotions that could not be described in a thousand words.

Poetry is liked due to its succinct style. It soars on the wings of words.
Poetry touches your deepest cords effortlessly. It develops perceptions.
It liberates us from the mundane. It gives us wings.
Due to its ambiguous nature, it can be interpreted in more than one way, depending on how the reader discerns the thoughts.

What attracts us to poetry?

There could be a myriad answers…some poets have shared them…

Ritu says:  “I love the way words flow in rhythmic ways, rhyming or not, echoing the poets thoughts, often conveying huge sentiments in limited words and lines.”

In Deborah’s opinion, “For me it just happens. In 35 seconds, there’s a poem. Love it on Twitter, but I also write book-length verse. I’m an odd duck, but I know you understand!

Robbie Cheadle “likes the flow of words and the meter of poetry. With Haiku and tanka poems, I enjoy playing around with words to make a statement with an impact.”

Miriam feels… “It rather seems that poetry grabbed hold of me. I do find the musicality, rhythm and strength of emotions attract me in a poem.

Wendy took my heart away with her profound and philosophical reflections: “Poetry gives edges, expression, and delineation to experiences that allow the reader to help define and be with their own experience that is evoked from reading the poem… Great poetry renders a visual like a painting where one can see all the splashes and colors and layers and depths or like a beautiful symphony or ensemble of music where one has the time and space to really listen to each and every instrument and the synthesis of all the textures and resonances that create the culmination of the whole journey of the musical piece.”

Radhika says: “Poetry to me, is a celebration of thoughts and language. My feelings ooze out, into which I dip the quill and ink them on paper. It is also cathartic. The deepest pain and anguish, the euphoric love, the intense moments of life, all find an outlet through words, which when woven eloquently, creates magic. I enjoy the conversation of thoughts that emanates in my mind before they paint the paper with their hues.”

I don’t remember when I developed a liking for poetry but soulful lyrics of songs always attracted me.

My real introduction to poetry occurred when I joined university and took up English as a major. Initially it was challenging to understand Robert Browning and Alfred Tennyson but the simpler poems of William Wordsworth, rich with the love of nature attracted me to poetry and my fondness kept growing.

It also depends on how well a poem is explained by our teacher and those who choose to explain even a simple simile or a metaphor are remembered fondly. I met some such gems who explained poems painstakingly.

Like my dearest friend Deborah says: The first is always special and has shared her first poem with us:

Ode to a Sunday Morn by Deborah 
[Original title. I had no idea how many lines constituted an “Ode”; still don’t, nor to I care.]
Today is made for growing
With Spring knocking at my door
The sky is dark and clouded
The rain serenely pours
The flowers gently peek
From their Winter’s hiding place
The robin he doth seek
A pine of firry lace
The rain is bringing growth
To every flower, bush, and tree
The creeks and rivers floweth
With eternal life to be
The clouds gently part
A ray of sun kisses the earth
It enlivens my heart
With the Spring’s wondrous rebirth
From a church on yonder hill
The Bells of Sabbath Ring
The world is quiet ’til
The birds begin to sing…
“I was nine years old. It was published in a 4-H magazine. I have never forgotten it, though I forget my short Twitter poems now because I write so many. The first is always special! I had been a city kid, and due to my Dad’s job we moved to the country. At first, I was afraid, but then I fell in love with nature.”
© Deborah A. Bowman

Ritu remembers that “one of my first was a poem about my brother, and how annoying he was! Apt since at 9, siblings rarely get on!”

Wendy wrote her first poem in, “I think, 6th grade (age 11 or 12, I think). It was printed in the school anthology. I wrote the poem, I believe, because it was a homework assignment to write a poem. By this age I had read quite a bit of poetry, although I suspect all of the poetry read at that point in my life had been poetry written for children. The emotion, at the time, of the poem, I believe, was silent acceptance and hope. The poem had an expression of Divinity in it-although not directly but abstractly. I think that was very reflective of where I was at in my life.”

I could not write poetry at such an early age! Even when I started writing, I didn’t share it because the poetry of John Donne, Keats, T.S. Eliot and such great poets intimidated me. My early poetry (Read here)

To be continued… Stay tuned for more!

Meanwhile please note: I would be gifting two ebooks of Sublime Shadows Of Life, my debut poetry book to those two readers who write the most poetic comments to all the posts I publish this month – #NationalPoetryMonth. Happy writing!

Thank you for reading this. Please share your valuable reflections, as they are much appreciated.

If you have liked this post, please share it at your favorite social networks.

Balroop Singh.

58 thoughts on “Why Do We Like Poetry?

  1. Balroop, your growth as a poet is stupendous! Enjoyed reading ” Poetry is my first love”. I am in awe at how you make your words sway in gay abandon to your tune, leaving a trail of beautiful imagery.
    Thanks for taking this initiative and introducing us to a bunch of other amazing poets. Enjoyed reading their views on poetry.
    Poetry to me is an “Eclectic blend of emotions and words, that paint myriad hues across the white canvas, leaving fragrant imprints on the sands of time”!

    1. Love your poetic response Radhika…you have that spark and the potential of letting your words sway with the emotions. Your definition of poetry is awesome! thanks for sharing.

  2. Yes poetry is what William Wordsworth said about it.
    And it is a spurt of untold emotions coming to life.
    It is a vortex of desires to be fulfilled.
    It is a journey into future and faraway lands.
    It is a journey into self.

  3. What a lovely post with many insights on why we like poetry, especially from fellow bloggers. You said it very well – that poetry has succinct style. Most poems are short and so they get to the heart and hit the heart very quickly – at least that’s what a good writer can do. I smiled when you equated poetry to soulful lyrics. Agreed. Many a song sounds poetic, and a nice poem sings nicely. I never got along with poetry when I was at univeristy and it was probably the way my creative writing teacher taught it to me. When I came on WordPress and discovered blogs like yours, it definitely opened up my eyes to a whole new world of poetry and the different writing techniques that can be incorporated within it…think alliteration and exclamation mark 🙂

    1. I am glad you liked those insights about poetry Mabel…isn’t it nice to feel the connection by sharing our thoughts about what attracts us…isn’t it amazing that the same words and emotions can be interpreted in so many different ways? I enjoyed putting all these insights together!
      You got to listen to those soulful lyrics I have in mind to understand their power…there was that golden era when songs were written with great effort and contained depth of emotions! Indian cinema is replete with such music and lyrics.

      1. Indian cinema has always come across so meaningful to me. I will take closer note of the storyline and lyrics when I next get the chance to watch some of it 🙂

  4. I connect with poetry because it revives something in me. As I interpret your beautiful lines, they’re interpreting me too, in myriad, impalpable ways. It conjures up the link we seem to be missing with our selves in this messy, yet beautiful world. Seeking beauty in and around is such a soulful product that poetry leaves in its wake. Lovely post, Balroop.

    1. What a beautiful rendition of how poetry affects us! There is no doubt that poetry unravels those unknown aspects of our personality, which we keep under wraps…it liberates us emotionally as well as spiritually…it leads us into an unknown journey and the wings are unimaginable!
      Thank you Mahesh, your reflections are inspiring!

  5. I love the way you included other bloggers in your reflections about poetry, Balroop. What a great way to start off the month. I have one of your books right at the top of my list. 🙂

  6. My first creative writing that was for my own eyes was poetry. I could write to my heart’s content without anyone knowing what the devil I was writing about! I never kept a diary, but I wrote volumes of poetry.

    I think many are drawn to poetry because of its open-ended metaphor, if the poet is skillful. So though on WP we are able to speak with one another and writers will often reveal their meaning, this is historically unique. Most of the time we can ‘take it personally’ and see what resonates with the well crafted words of a good poet.

    1. I am delighted at your words, packed with power which is reaching me…devil must be making you wrote those volumes! ha ha! I know Bela, you are a spontaneous poet…thoughts just glide and when they do who cares what they mean to others! Thank you for such a lovely response dear friend. Love and hugs.

  7. This is a really fun way to celebrate poetry month, Balroop. Thanks for sharing everyone’s thoughts on poetry as it’s a nice way to get to know your blog readers. 🙂 From the heart sings my emotions and to the keyboard my words. There’s my little poetic line for the day.

    1. Wow! That’s why they say…take care of the company you keep! You are turning into a poet Lisa. Stay blessed. Love and hugs. 🙂

  8. This is a lovely tribute to poetry, Balroop. I fell in love with poetry at about age 8 or 9, when I first heard Robert Frost’s Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening. That’s when I started writing poetry, and shortly thereafter, songs. Poetry steps to the rhythm of the soul ❤

    1. I didn’t know you write poetry Tina…nice to hear that. Who isn’t in love with ‘Stopping By Woods’…an all time favorite! Thanks for sharing your love for poetry. Stay blessed!

      1. Most of my poetry is in my songs, Balroop. I’m a stickler for making the lyrics able to stand alone. They are poems first; then they become songs ❤

  9. Dear Balroop,
    With softly flowing words
    you enchant us all,
    You honour your friends ,
    by shining light on their songs.

    It really is a beautiful way to celebrate poetry month and I thank you for inviting me to be part of it.

  10. Well each to his own. We all have a different reasons for enjoying poetry. I enjoy poetry written by the famous English poets like Robert Frost, Which was written in a different era. What I like is how Vivid their descriptions are and the flow of words. To give you an example, it’s like the Bollywood songs from 50’s and 60’s Which is in contrast to the current ones. Well, I don’t listen to those songs but you can clearly see the difference.

    1. I love those lyrics from the golden era of Indian cinema Arv and glad to know that today’s generation too considers it valuable. You are right…that is what poetry is…who can forget Sahir, Kaifi Azmi, Majrooh and poets of that era!

      1. Well I guess the context changes. In those days letters was how people used to communicate and it used to be a time taking stuff. But now everything is about instant gratification so I guess it influences poetry too.

  11. What a beautiful post and tribute to National Poetry Month, Balroop. And your poem is a lovely start, especially the first verse. I love the idea of poetry being your first love, wandering into the woods, walking hand in hand into the wilderness…just lovely, my friend…

    1. Thank you Lauren, I wanted to invite you but there is no contact page at your blog. I would be sharing more poems of my blogger friends this month, if you want to contribute, please contact me.

      1. Thanks for the thought, Balroop. I’m honored. 🙂 Honestly, I never thought of a contact page, but I just added one. Although, I don’t know how to add the format you have. Can you help? Also, let me know what I would need to do to contribute. You can email me if you’d like. ❤🌼

  12. Poetry it is a painting of words. What a beautiful and apt definition of poetry this is! Loved reading the reasons that attract people to poetry. I loved reading and reciting poems in my school days. Wrote a couple of poems in college..and then completely forgot about poems for more than two decades till I got fascinated with poems and haiku that I read on blogs such as Maniparna’s and yours. Now, I enjoy reading poetry occasionally. These interesting posts of yours on the NationalPoetryMonth are once again reviving my interest in poetry. Thank you for sharing.

    1. I know you had published a beautiful poetry book Somali. Maniparna’s poetry is indeed inspiring and intellectual…that is how we keep going…inspiration is the key. Thank you for sharing your interest and fascination for poetry. Keep it alive! 🙂

  13. There is a rhythm with poetry that strikes a chord in me…what you wrote above is this way, it inspires and it also teaches. It is an experience, and life is enrichened by experiences. You’ve captured something special.

    1. Thank you Randall for the encouragement, your thoughts inspire! I agree with you, a good poem is the one that goes beyond words and says something more. Many thanks for the visit, I am feeling honored!

  14. Wow.
    Apt and expressive;
    Neither too wordy
    Nor too concise.
    Honest and warm
    Or your words,
    wouldn’t have
    touched my heart

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