Money May Nourish Emotions But Can It Soothe Them?


The magic of money is unparalleled, incredible and mesmerizing. It is that thrilling potion, which lures each one of us! It is the major motivating factor at any work place.

I know money nourishes emotions. The desire to earn more can never be overruled. The comfort it can buy is irrefutable.

It is only the need for money; the positive vibes it sends that makes people work. They pay attention to other aspects of work only when their needs are met and they are comfortable.

Most people think that employment means money, lots of money, which can fulfill their dreams of improving their life and style, which can give them freedom and choice, which can brighten and secure their future.

According to Euripides: “Money is the wise man’s religion.” If you have money you are respected, appreciated and envied.

Is it really thrilling?

Despite its alluring attraction, I have never had any close relationship with money. It was never my favorite friend because it eluded me when I needed it, when I was forming my first impressions about people and things.

So I developed ‘shun it’ attitude and we were both happy. A ten-rupee note, which my mother could afford to give me every month, always graced my little purse as I assumed that it was non-existent.

It taught me reticence:

Money always kept me away from my rich friends who offered free rides in their cars, who tried to lure us into bunking classes and have fun at the cafeteria of our college or watch the latest movies.

It also helped me understand its real value. It made me an introvert.

When I got my first salary, I couldn’t see money. It was transferred directly into my bank account. So its warm vibes couldn’t reach me. I also didn’t make any effort to pick up those vibes. It couldn’t soothe my emotions. Probably I had become immune to its non- existence!

Yes, I did spend it to buy some dresses of my choice and for the first time felt its aura and its magic. But it failed to revive my dead emotions; I could never befriend it!

Is it valuable than Relationships?

And then I married! Since I had hardly developed any warm relationship with money, I resigned my job immediately and was extremely happy to start a new life. People frowned at my decision but I didn’t care. I knew by instinct that relationships are far more valuable than money.

Money quoteAs luck would have it, my faith in people didn’t betray me. I basked in the glorious sunshine of my little children and Mr. Serene who kept his promises of providing us with all that we needed.

It failed to revive its charm:

When I had plenty of money to buy anything I wished, I started avoiding it. I never paid any bills, never counted how much of it warmed my handbag when I went to work…all that was managed by my kindhearted, loving husband, whom I call Mr. Serene due to his calm attitude towards money and my outlook towards it!

Whenever we went shopping, I selected the things of my choice and stepped aside for the bill to be paid. This pattern has never changed and I will remain eternally thankful to people around me who keep their wallets full for me, even now!

Does money motivate you?

One day, sitting in my Literature class, I happened to read Henry Fielding’s observation: “Make money your god, and it will plague you like the devil.” I smiled but our professor was not amused. He threw me out!

Money could never plague me, as it has never motivated me for work. I have been more inspired by the people who spend countless hours working in their zones of interest like teachers, social activists and scientists who are not paid nearly what they are worth.

When we choose a profession, the first criteria for the selection is our passion. Obviously we earn money but it is not the only motivation; it is not the only goal.

How it blinds us:

  • It makes us selfish, greedy and even arrogant, at times.
  • It coaxes us to work extra hours and sacrifice our leisure.
  • It creates rifts between friends, siblings and parents.
  • It leads some people to unlawful activities like thefts, murders and frauds.

Do you feel you have enough of this demon? I know it can be angelic if we understand it well! Only those who try to evaluate its qualities can perceive this paradox.

One of my dearest friends always argued with me – ‘If you are skeptical about money being the motivator, ask a person who is unemployed, ask your vegetable seller who slogs every single day to earn money, ask your domestic help who has travelled hundreds of miles away from his home town to earn money.’ It is very easy to dismiss money as secondary when you have a lot of it.

How much of money is enough?

People have never been able to answer this question and there is no definite answer. I may sound absurd but money does not motivate if your basic needs are fulfilled. Some questions may help you discern the truth: Can it buy happiness and health? Can it buy love and loving people? Can it buy IQ? Can it buy time?

I am eagerly waiting for your answers.

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Balroop Singh.


21 thoughts on “Money May Nourish Emotions But Can It Soothe Them?

  1. Hi Balroop,

    Yet another lovely post, just as you always write 🙂

    I was nodding my head right through, while reading your post, because we both are so similar in our thoughts where money is concerned! I don’t say I have plenty to enjoy it now, but yes it is enough – I had enough earlier too, but never really took a liking to it.

    I guess we were always taught to value it and spend it wisely by my parents, and somehow though we never had any shortage of it as kids, we never ran after it nor the materialistic things many kids our age ran after or demanded. We were very happy and content with the little pocket money we had and valued it, even managed to save a little from it!

    Money IS required, I won’t say it’s not, but how much is enough? People go to such limits and spoil their lives, just running after money. I guess earn the amount you need, and there is never compromise it for life’s little moments – the happiness, your family, your life, and never forget giving a little of what you earn to others, isn’t it?

    Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead 🙂

    1. Hi Harleena,

      I am glad to hear that you were nodding your head and you share my thoughts on money. It is a well known fact that money can never be considered ‘enough’ if we keep on chasing it. It is only when we feel that whatever we have is enough that contentment quietly tiptoes into our minds. For those who keep on setting targets, it keeps slipping slowly, just like sand!

      You are right…the value of respecting money has to be taught early in life, those who don’t learn their lessons have to face its demonic powers and the grip keeps tightening when we get into those habits of squandering it away.
      Thanks for adding a meaningful point of giving a little away 🙂
      Have a blessed week!

  2. Another thought provoking post, Balroop. You made me smile in your expression and attitude toward money. I think it’s interesting because we develop a relationship toward it at a young age and it lasts a lifetime. Still, there is mystery behind its power. I learned that money can effect self esteem. Are we valued less in society because we are poor? We shouldn’t be but I believe this to be true. It definitely can’t buy love, happiness or healthy relationships!

    p.s. I accepted my Liebster Award today on my blog, thank you again for this lovely award!

    1. Hi Lisa,

      Thanks for liking this post, I felt it was becoming quite personal but I had to be honest about my feelings. You have got it right, it is during our impressionable years that we pick up the habits and attitudes and it just happened that I developed resilience rather than feeling unfortunate or low for lack of money at such a time when youngsters tend to have fun with it. No, I never had a low self esteem and never felt poor because I knew that this phase will pass off. Probably my self-confidence was greater than any other emotion.

      Thanks for being so honest about your opinion about money. You are a lovely friend, I am so happy to have connected with you.

  3. What a fantastic post, Balroop. I really enjoyed your cup half full attitude on money yet being very candid and honest about your own personal perspective on it in your life. I’ve never been a materialistic person because of being taught that “money can’t buy happiness” belief yet I do own a couple nice things that I really like. Other than that most of my belongings are many years old. Now, as I approach retirement I must address that question of how much money is enough? For the practicality of it, how much money I will have will determine how much I will be able to travel…or not travel. Though, I still have to get back on a plane to get ball rolling again – and that’s an entirely different topic. It was interesting that early on it “made” you and introvert. I really enjoyed reading this. Have a great week! 🙂

    1. Hi Mike,

      You have understood my attitude so well! Being materialistic doesn’t mean we keep accumulating, it also doesn’t mean we appreciate more money. However, if we have there is no harm in spending it where it is absolutely essential…like planning a vacation every summer and buying a new dress for every occasion! I was known for never repeating my saree for every school function… 🙂

      I learnt very early in life that we can be happy without extra money – if there is enough to eat and a comfortable bed to sleep on, that is quite ok! Travel has been my passion too but I am quite satisfied with all God has bestowed on me.

      Thanks dear friend, you too have a blessed week 🙂

  4. Hi Balroop,
    It’s a beautiful article , so thought provoking ! I felt you have penned down the thoughts I feel for money . Money is something but it is not everything . Contentment & peace of mind are more important than money , I value relations & friendship too . You handle difficult topics in a such a simple manner that it gives immense pleasure reading them .
    Love and regards !

    1. Hi Upjit,

      Thanks dear!! Your appreciation is a big motivator. Yes, who would know better than me that you value relations and friendship more than anything. I am glad that I share your thoughts. Keep reading. I look forward to your feedback. It means a lot to me!

      Thanks for the share, love your support 🙂 Stay blessed!

  5. Amazing post , I was picturing myself while reading your personal views about money. I wonder how easily you handle such complicated topics and they are in such a flow that I read them again and again. Believe me when I read my own feelings in the form of an article the pleasure I get is different that I can,t express.
    No doubt money is important but to what level that we have to decide it can easily spoil relationships so I never mix them because relationships are more important to me. But one thing I want to admit that when it comes to my kids I want to give them little more than what I had may be this is how all parents think other than that I am at peace in whatever I have and always thank God .

    1. Hi Daljeet,

      Thanks for your visit! It is nice to hear from you. At last there is something that stirred you! I am so pleased to note that my words resonate so much with you. There can be no comparison between money and relationships, only those who really value them can understand how precious some people are in our lives. The sooner we realise this, the happier we can be!

      Yes, we all have that soft corner for our children, I agree but I hope you have read my previous article about emotional blackmail by our own children. It reveals certain harsh facts we tend to ignore.

      Thanks for the kind words, they mean a lot to me. Stay blessed!

  6. Excellent reflections on money. It can bind us, actually keeping us from reaching our true life goals. But we have to embrace money to a certain extent as it allows us to reach new levels in life and pursue our passions. It is a means not an ends. x

  7. Hi Christy,

    Welcome to my blog. Thanks for liking this post. Life goals can never get obstructed if we have the willpower and the determination to accomplish them. Yes, money does play a significant role but at the same time too much of it can change our direction, redefine our passions and betray our confidence.

    Thanks for your insightful observation. It is greatly valued.

  8. Hey Balroop! I see that you and I had similar thoughts this week. I just followed your link over from my blog post about becoming money SMART and read this post. Yes, our thoughts about money and the lessons we learned from our family and our culture complicate things. It sounds like you too have a fortunate life where you have been able to pursue those things that REALLY add value to a life–like relationships and experiences. It reminds me of that quote by Jim Carrey who said, “I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it’s not the answer.” ~Kathy

    1. Hi Kathy,

      Isn’t it strange? That proves the connection we have at an ethereal level, which draws me to you! Yes, I too consider myself very fortunate. Having learnt the real lessons of life too early though I wondered at that time why is God so unkind to me but I guess He was keeping the real happiness away from me, to reveal at the right time, as people say…though I still have my doubts about His intentions.

      Love that quote! Thanks for your visit, it is greatly valued.

  9. As my mum use to say “Money does not buy happiness, but we need to have enough to be happy”.
    We can’t buy love and friendship, we can’t buy the most important things in life with money. But we need enough to have a home, to have food on our table, to go to school and learn.
    It won’t buy peace, nor freedom. It can destroy us if we don’t use it wisely.
    Interesting Balroop and glad to read that some people still believe that money is not the center of all life, when the world around seem to only live through money only.
    Stay blessed dear.

    1. Hi Marie,

      Those words of wisdom of our moms always reverberate around us… My mom told us very early that it is our honour and self-respect which is more valuable, which can’t be bought either with thousands or millions.
      Yes, money is very significant, I learnt that very early in life but never regretted having so less. Later I also learnt that beyond a point of having just enough, it becomes a burden.
      Thanks for adding your perspective to this discussion. I value it greatly.

  10. Money is such a funny thing. For some, you either have it or you have time. You have this rare ease to have both and then not to have to worry! There’s power in that choice. I’m so happy you honor that! xo

    1. Hi Jodi,

      Money seems funny only when you have a lot of it or if you keep chasing it to its farthest end. I feel blessed that I never had to chase it, such content comes with some really learning harsh experiences of life, which had to encounter at a very early stage of my childhood.
      Thanks for standing by and expressing your view.

  11. Indeed , a very profound thought on the subject money and it’s relevance to us.

    It is such a relative term and life with it or without it both ways it has its own set of problem. Plenty of money has its headaches and very less has its challenges of life. What is that right balance that is required by us is so subjective and so contextual that nobody can define it nor can we have some formula to know it. It evolves with time and it depends on our state of mind and the purpose what we have set for our life.

    The way you have narrate your association with money and that too not have any association and the way you have kept yourself equidistant is brilliant and having all the good things in life and enjoying every moment with your family members, money has a role to play and we should all have our boundaries defined so that we don’t get into the unending trap of the greed of money and not tap the right need of it.

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