The Call Of Calmness


Gentle breeze breathes a quiet message…
I am here to bless you
To softly swing,
Sway with your dreams

Don your dewy dress of harmony
Hold me in your arms lightly
I can take you beyond branches
Of those trees, stirring serenely
Inhale that cogent calmness
Expunge all angst and anger
Trust my trail, believe in hope
Breathe in breezy light of love
We can fly beyond boundaries
I can show you the gale of happiness
It follows us wherever we go
It changes its face when it has to flow
Over the vales of wishes
Even the dales of despair
Surmounting them all
Into the lucid light of serendipity.
© Balroop Singh

You can click on Sublime Shadows of Life by Balroop Singh to read more such poems.

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26 thoughts on “The Call Of Calmness

  1. Gentle breeze that soothes, caresses us with its calm freshness, is indeed a blessing that gives us a boost of energy to face the humdrum of life. Very beautifully written Balroop. 🙂

    1. Thanks Somali…the breeze later turns into gale of happiness, which is promised by the same breeze, which is symbolic of lowering the pace to find some space in the whirlwind of life.

  2. Hi Balroop,

    Let me start by wishing you a very Happy New Year 🙂

    Lovely words and I can feel the peace and harmony through your words, along with the gentleness and calm….wishing you all of these and every happiness all year through!

    Thanks for sharing it with us. Enjoy your week ahead 🙂

    1. Thank you Harleena, wishing you the same.

      Yes, you got me right…my message for the new year is calmness and harmony, which is very much around us in various forms but we choose to ignore it. We pick up more challenging tasks, sometimes they rob us of the finer moments.

      Thanks for standing by, much appreciated. Have a blessed week.

  3. Within each sentence I was refreshed and cleansed by the sweet calm of your fragrant breeze dear Balroop..
    Many thanks for sharing this delight.. My lungs feel lighter for breathing in these words..
    May we each embrace the gentle calm of thoughts as we choose to float high upon harmonic branches which we choose to alight upon..

    Love and Blessings.. And a Very Happy, Harmonious New Year to you Balroop..
    Love Sue xx

    1. Thank you Sue for such lovely thoughts to welcome the gentle breeze, which promises happiness. It is indeed very calming to look at Mother Nature and understand her messages. Harmony sets in spontaneously in our thoughts and actions only if we pay attention to various hues of nature.
      I appreciate the beauty of your heart, which responds so lovingly. Wishes back to you. Love you too dear friend. 🙂

  4. Balroop, your words refreshed me with waves of calm and winds of happiness. Vales and dales, allowing all nutrients of water, air and nature uplift us from the chaos around us. Just spending time breathing in your poem’s fragrance relieved some stress and relaxed me. Thank you. ♡

    1. Wow! love your poetic response Robin. Your words seem music to my ears…I am delighted that my poem could spread some ‘fragrance’ on this cold winter morning. Yes, the healing power of nature is indeed uplifting.
      Thanks dear friend. 🙂 🙂

  5. Such a wonderful flow of flawless words can easily drift me towards the ‘lucid light of serendipity’! The redolent breeze has relaxed my soul and mind, bringing some fresh, carefree moments. A beautifully woven poem, Balroop… kudos… 🙂

    1. Thanks Mani, your observation makes me smile. Yes this kind of breeze, which flies on the wings of words is most comforting as it touches us in a special manner.
      I appreciate your choice of words in describing your feelings. 🙂

  6. This is lovely, Balroop! It pairs perfectly with my Zen channel on itunes that I’m listening to….CALM and serene. I could use a gentle breeze to sway with my dreams right about now.

    p.s. I’m enjoying your book “Emotional Truths Of Relationships”

    1. Thank you Lisa. I am glad my words align with the serenity around you. It is indeed a pleasure to drift into the world of dreams once in a while and let the breeze bring whiffs of contentment.
      Thank you for telling me that you are enjoying my book. 🙂 I feel honored.

  7. I’d love to fly beyond those boundaries as well, dear Balroop…
    Beautiful and moving poem, my friend …
    Wishing you a great weekend. Aquileana 😘🌟

  8. More calmness, less chaos in the new year, Balroop. Thank you for sharing. I can see the pictures of love and joy in the calmness which sweeps us away. You’ve written this like a love poem to calmness – impressive! If calmness is a woman, I’m hoping she shows up and stays around in 2016 lol best wishes 🙂

  9. Thank you Vishnu…hope you are blessed with your image of calmness 🙂
    I am delighted to know that this poem seems to be a love poem! I had to read it again to understand your perspective. Probably the imagery is such!

    Thank you so much for such a wonderful analysis.

    1. the best part of poetry – it speaks to each of us differently. yes, the imagery of your words alludes to love…for me:)

  10. I can feel the gentle breeze on my skin. It tells me all is well, life is beautiful.
    This is a lovely poem Balroop, taking us by the hand and showing us the beauty of silence and life around.
    Much love.

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