Freedom At Last


Walking uphill,
In search of my true self
Guided by the will to self-reflect
At last!
I follow the steady stream
Of consciousness, asking all the time
Is it the right time?
Do I need this?
Lost in tentative thoughts,
I fail to notice my mates
Lugging along,
Eager to offer succor
I tell solitude:
‘I have had enough of you
You can stay away
Let me move ahead.’
Determined to abandon distress
I ignore its presence
In the valley, on the side
Disregarding its alacrity to pull backwards
Tears refused to subside
They overpowered my spirit
I sat down in the company
Of my oldest confidants
Detachment and defiance at last
From the shackles of subjugation…
I soar freely with my new friends
To explore the wide world
Hope offered its camaraderie
Positivity promised to permeate around
Acceptance assured affinity
Confidence closed in compliant collusion!
© Balroop Singh
All rights reserved.

You can click on Sublime Shadows of Life by Balroop Singh to read more such poems.

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32 thoughts on “Freedom At Last

  1. Bit of a sad start at the beginning, but love the confident ending. Do I need it? Such a thought provoking phrase. When we focus on what we have around us, the more we keep our eyes on the path and move forward.

    New friends and connections will usually be inevitable. A lot of the time they feel like blessings in disguise, guiding us along the way and keeping us humbled. Along with determination, these two will get us far. With support and drive, there is no stopping us 🙂

    1. Hi Mabel,

      Oh! Did you find it sad? I have some very dark ones, which don’t even end with a hopeful note…life is like that dear friend. We can appreciate joy only if we have seen sadness as one poet has pointed out… “The glory of a garden is enhanced not just by flowers but by thorns too, pain/sorrow too is required to live in this world.”

      New friends are hope, positivity and acceptance, which help us emerge out of distressing times. 🙂

      1. Yes, I found this poem a bit sad at the beginning. It was like there was a sense of searching, searching for a better day. So true that we only know true happiness when we have been through hard times. We need to learn to be grateful for what we have, and who we have too, to feel that 🙂

  2. This spoke to me Balroop.. And to be free from that attachment of emotional baggage is one that we carry too long and when we finally as you said

    “Detachment and defiance at last
    From the shackles of subjugation…

    We are free… Keep soaring ever higher

    1. Thank you dear Sue…I am glad you could connect with my thoughts. Understanding emotions is much harder than breaking free from them. 🙂
      Many thanks for soaring with my thoughts. Stay blessed!

  3. Loved the poem Balroop. I think it reflects the need for striking a balance between solitary pursuits ( be it self reflection or maybe chasing your passion) and the social fabric comprising of friends and family that one needs to sustain and for support. Having both in place, would contribute to a feeling of overall well being.

  4. Thank you Somali for analysing the poem in your own way and sharing your perspective. I liked it. Self-reflection is a wonderful way to freedom of thoughts and detachment. Some shackles are hard to break but essential for healthy living. 🙂

  5. A poem of substance. Love it.

    Sometimes freedom comes at a price. For some, it’s non-negotiable and freedom is just a dream due to the consequences but for others, they have make it on their own, needs be.

    As you stated earlier, beauty in the garden comes with thorns. If the hardship does not kill you, it will make you stronger, hopefully someone who has grown, developed, has a purpose in life and a balanced outlook.

    1. Thank you dear Traveller for such a profound reflection…you are right, freedom remains a dream for some as they cannot tread into unknown lands due to fear of consequences…the yearning goes with them till it surrenders to the welfare of others at the cost of sacrificing their own happiness.

      Stay blessed!

  6. The journey of life; we sometimes have to travel alone with griefs and sorrows. But, we need to overcome those feelings with positivity and optimism. Loved the way you’ve depicted the struggle… wonderfully worded poem… 🙂

  7. Life in a poem and capturing the emotions and the turmoils and the ups and downs we undergone on daily basis and on so many fronts from the economic of life to the emotions of life, you have beautiful captured those very nuggets which try to navigate and learn the ways and means to handle, and many times we fail to do so and we are left with little choice but to cling onto the hope of life and nothing that we can do when we are confronted with the realities, the harsh realities of life…

    Life is beautiful but hidden within the beauty are these layers of truth which we resist to accept and find ourselves in such situations we are helpless and we look for small things that can change the course and we look for friends who can support us and guide us and take us out of the struggle which overcomes us and we are stuck…our aspirations are there and they are trying to soar high and go far and wide but it gets strangulated by the challenges we face on multiple fronts in our life and it is the time where frustration is on the top and given a chance can take full control of us.

    Wonderfully written Balroop and I agree ultimately it is the force of life resides in the “Hope of Life”…

  8. Welcome back Nihar! Thanks for such a thoughtful insight. I agree with you dear friend, life is beautiful and we should never get disheartened by its ups and downs. Learning from life is the best way to move forward…leaving behind all the struggles and emerging stronger.

    Many thanks for the inspiring thoughts. Stay blessed and have a wonderful weekend. 🙂

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